The utmost consumerism is over exploiting the natural resources and filling the atmosphere with huge carbon emission which in turn causing huge pollution in the air and also increasing greenhouse effect. This is resulting in increase of temperature that help raise of water level, due difference of temperature on the sea, the frequent depression is occurring and storms are bringing destruction in human settlement which is causing huge mishaps. On the other hand the excessive use of chemical in all sphere of life, like in agriculture, food, cosmetics, the ecological balance, the human health are greatly getting damaged. The unnatural practices bring limitless suffering to the human society. Thousand and thousand people are facing natural disasters; typical illnesses are making lives extremely miserable. To mitigate this suffering we have to take necessary steps immediately and we must reverse this trend of damaging the globe and do everything possible to save the mother earth.
The people have to be aware regarding about this alarming state of environment. Hence we focus on raising awareness about environmental issues mainly among the students and adolescents.
We promote afforestation and grow awareness about deforestation. Promote awareness about use of renewable energy, promote bio-firming and minimise chemical fertilisers. We try to promote a sustainable life style. We denounce consumerism; we encourage ethical lifestyle with Yoga and spirituality.